Thursday, February 16, 2006



presentan: “Grotesca Pasión Trasnochada

Sobre música original de Ramiro Gallo.

El espectáculo “Grotesca Pasión Trasnochada” expresa el vínculo inmediato de las personas, apostando a la diversidad, en todas las variantes posibles, con mucha gracia ydesinhibición. Silvana Grill junto a su compañía “No Bailaras” integrada por los bailarines: PaulaGurini y Mariano Bielak, Gimena Aramburu y Juan Fossati , Julieta Biscione y Roberto Castillo da forma a un lenguaje en el que la ironía mordaz, el humor absurdo y el desenfado erótico convergen alrededor de pequeños cuadros coreografiados donde todo queda al descubierto: el todo con todos, la soledad, la ambigüedad sexual y la histeria colectiva de las milongas. Las composiciones de Ramiro Gallo funcionan como espejo ideal para recrear esta atmósfera, que elude cualquier convencionalismo de la era post-piazzolla y logra traducir un nuevo código, un pulso contemporáneo. El “Ramiro Gallo Quinteto” esta conformado por: Ramiro Gallo, Lucia Ramírez, Adrián Enríquez, Marcos Ruffoy Martín Vázquez.


..."En el principio fue la compasión y el principio es la mitad de todo,A partir de entonces ciertas mentiras dieron vergüenza”... (I. S.)

-EL MUNDO DE OCTAVIO”.Grupal: Roberto Castillo- Juna Fosatti- Mariano Bielak, Julieta Biscione- Gimena Aramburu- Paula Gurini.
-LLANURA: Roberto y Julieta.
- CEREBRO DE ADOQUIN .Pareja 1: Paula G. y Mariano (Roberto) / Pareja 2: Juan y Gimena (Julieta.)
-CONSTERNACION. Paula y Mariano.

... “A partir de ahora perderás tu inocencia, pero no temas, la perdida de la inocencia traerá belleza a tus ojos. Recién ahora podrás mirar la naturaleza con melancolía”... (I.S.)


- DESCUBRE: Paula y Julieta.

- DISTANCIAS: Tres mujeres y Roberto.

- POR LA HUELLA: Juan y Gime.

- VAIVENES: Paula G. y Mariano.

- SIGILOSA – SEGUIME: Robert y Juli.

- URBANO: Grupal.

- MULTITUDES: Los chicos y Juli.

- SOMBRAS: Solo de Ramiro Gallo y Mariano.

.…”Sentenciados a la búsqueda y reivindicación de los vencidos, dan batalla a la “grotesca pasión trasnochada”, entregándose sin temor al goce pleno con el solo fin de desenmascarar a la falsa farra”...

- TOM Y JERRY (los chicos. Juan, Mariano y Roberto)
-El SUR (Instrumental)
-EL ADIOS (Juan y Gime)
-A TUS OJOS. Coreografia grupal y verde.

"NO BAILARAS" and RAMIRO GALLO QUINTETO presents: "Bizarre/Fantastic/Absurd/Grotesc Passion of a Sleepless Night"

Original Score by Ramiro Gallo.

"In the beginning it was compassion, and the beginning is in the middle of everything. From then on, certain lies cause embarrassment"... (I. S.)-
"And now you’ll lose your innocence, but do not be afraid, for such loss shall bring beauty to your eyes. As from now you shall watch nature with melancholy"... (I.S.)-

"Sentenced to seek and vindicate the defeated ones, they battle against "the bizzare passion of a sleepless night", indulging in full pleasure without fear, to the sole effect of exposing the masquerade...



  • Todos los sabados de Enero y Febrero a partir del 24 en Buenos Aires. Sabados 23.30hs Trastienda. San Telmo.Buenos Aires. Argentina.


  • Silvana Grill: 54-11-15-5414-0808.

Shows and Contacts

  • Teatro El Globo. Viernes de Mayo. 20.00hs.
  • Tango Festival Chaillot. Paris. 2008. Buenos AiresTango Festival.

. Silvana Grill: 54-11-15-5414-0808.

Thursday, January 26, 2006



Taking tango to the limit'Grotesque Passion Dance' by No-Bailaras Tango Company of Argentina left excited audience with lots to talk aboutUSNISA SUKHSVASTIIf ever a dance performance at Bangkok's annual International Festival of Dance and Music oozed testosterone, it was the "Grotesque Passion Dance" by No-Bailaras Tango Company of Argentina. It put the love-hate intensity of the Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie tango dance scene in Mr. and Mrs. Smith to shame, even minus the kitchen knives.The company's six dancers and five musicians managed to sustain the attention of a full-house audience for the full one-and-a-half hour programme. It was over all too quickly.This was a tango performance far removed from the gauchos of the Argentinian highlands lusting after female company after weeks of herding cattle.In "Grotesque Passion Dance", boys lust after girls, girls lust after boys, boys lust after boys and girls lust after each other. Here was proof of the dubious phrase that, "Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire." The unbridled passion of the dance floor was punctuated not only with smouldering looks, whiplash legwork, intimate body contact and groping hands, but also overt and suggestive sexual gestures."Why is he putting his head under the girl's skirt?" asked one granny sitting behind me to another. "You wouldn't want to know, dearie," I thought to myself.The repetitive movements of traditional tango and the blatant sexual connotations of the dance movements could have made for a tasteless and dull performance after the initial shock factor had worn off. Instead, choreographer Silvana Grill had injected the programme with such a quirky sense of humour and irony that it became a witty reflection of "the games people play" as unfolded on the dance floor, building up to the most talked about moment in the show: Total nudity.A black halter dress was dropped to the floor in semi darkness revealing a girl's lush behind. After a quick, snatching movement that only tango dancers can muster, the audience was faced with her full frontal nudity under bright lights, strategically censored by the extended arms and legs of fellow dancers for a heart-stopping moment before the lights blacked out. Talk about precision!The setting was minimal. Violinist Ramiro Gallo took the prominent position centrestage. His quintet included piano, double-bass, guitar and the lyrical bandoneon, evoking thoughts of lazy nights of heady wine and dark flirting eyes.It was the music that threaded the entire programme together, setting the tone with the overture and, on several of the 14 numbers, keeping the audience alternately eager or placated with musical offerings with their own value, while dancers rested or made costume changes in their dimly lit "dressing rooms" on either side of the stage, their silhouettes just visible to the audience.Each of the numbers was lyrically named: Octavio's World, Brain of Stone, Consternation, The Flower of the Waltz, The Farewell, Secretive, Swinging. Even so, the names became a blur after a while as the intensity of dancing and emotions heightened and took on a life of their own, interspersed with the comic interludes that made this show unique. Even the lurid red-light love scenes and threatening dance-floor rivalries were given an ironic and humorous twist, with the two men finally discarding their pink-wigged girls to jump at each other's throats - then lock in a passionate embrace to the audience's surprise and delight.A little strip-tease where three girls removed their red g-strings was anything but lewd, while the ability to master the demanding and precise tango dance movements while exuding humour and comedic theatrical interplay is a skill that must be demanding, to say the least. The dancers carried this off with ease and aplomb, to their credit.Costumes were also kept to a minimum of fuss and colour. Slinky beige dresses with full skirts, black high slit skirts, black wrap-arounds all ensured that the dance itself was the star of the show, and the quality of the dancing, in both slow and fast movements, captivated the audiences throughout.The finale was itself a carefully choreographed dance, with timing of the essence. The final step had the girls launching themselves like projectiles, past each other into the waiting arms of their partners, who had to deftly catch them and keep them aloft in a most unlikely pose long enough to allow the audience members to catch their breath and break into extended applause.As an encore, Gallo called the company for a second round of the finale, performed with a different - even more humorous - interpretation.This was indeed one of the most scintillating, scandalous and clever shows to date on the Bangkok stage. No doubt every member of the audience had lots to talk and laugh about all the way home, and then some.Bangkok's 9th International Festival of Dance and Music continues this evening with 'Eugene Onegin', an opera in three acts, from Russia's Ekatarinburg Opera and Ballet Theatre, 7:30pm at the Thailand Cultural Centre. Tickets are available from Thai Ticket Major on 02-262-3456. For more information,


... En este tiempo que llevamos juntos hemos tenido la suerte de compartir grandes hazanias con otros "No Bailaras"
... esperamos que se repitan...

Los que van y vienen:

Paulita Ballesteros (cariniosamente "plomadita"), respetada por sus colegas por la eficacia de sus caricias, que dependiendo de la cirunstancia pueden convertirse en latigazos mortales.

Mariela Sametband o simplemente "Sametband" o "Barbra", que ademas de ser una excelente bailarina tiene grandes dotes como cantante, impresionando a todos con su Hit "Munieca Rota" (en varias oportunidades interpretado a duo con Lidia Borda)

Gaston Torelli, o "Torelli" ,"Torito" , "Catriel" o porque no!! Gaston Torito Torelli.

Solo "suspiros" para el "Macho Argentino"!!! (ver foto)

Tomas Howlin o "superpapa" ...

Maestro de Maestros... , pero OJO!!!!...mucho cuidado... en las noches de luna llena se convierte en hombre mono!!!

proximamente... SIN PECADO CONCEBIDO

Los Bailarines

Los Musicos

Empezaron los ensayos...

Que soltura!!!!!!! Con ese Maestro... Tiembla Ruffo.


Adivina, adivinador???????????????????????

Hola Dante????????????????????????!!!! Papucho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Esta todo dicho....

Perfectamente podria ser Lulu con candado, SI SON IGUALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conociendo gente en el Chat.

Lo conozco de la Tele, quien es????? o de alguna revista!!!!! no,no, hace propaganda de perfumes.

No es el que hizo esa novela: " Historias Inconclusas" y esa otra "Bellezas Indomables"????

Es Todo un Galan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bueeee, los chicos de Calendario, no hay mucho para agregar...


Muy mone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Queres te? queres te? queres te? mas te? te???

-Sabes que??? pibe. Cuando vos te compraste un jean yo ya lo hice bermudas.


La evidencia...

apenas un avance.....

Mas detras de escena....

mas que merecido, por inmutable!!!!!!!!!!!!
lo quieren musico, aunque lo suyo sea el automovilismo.
Mariano lo llevara por el buen camino, que??????

De paso por Europa visitamos a Adrian en su nuevo trabajo!!!!!

Vale la pena esta perlita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pollo a la Parrilla, con sidra! y queso de cabra!!